10 years of Ambatana

10 years ago Ambatana was founded in Tüßling, Germany. We founded Ambatana on 7 May 2014. Once our organisation's articles were signed, Ambatana was born to support vulnerable children in Kenya Weiterlesen

Kenya field report

Our team members Uta Ferber-Loidl and Robert Loidl reporting on our visit to Kenya in February 2024 Karibu sana Two experienced travellers to Kenya and five "newcomers" made their way to Loitokitok Weiterlesen

Concert on 6 April

Celebrating 10 years of Ambatana! Ten years ago, 16 members signed Ambatana's organisation statutes. Today, our organisation has 100 members and 39 sponsors. To celebrate this anniversary, we are hosting a Weiterlesen